Real Estate

Time bound marketing, Construction management ,project management, Planning , investors relationship, equity partnerships ,Property management, Administrative management of The property, Property Investment management, Property Sales , Asset management, Building services, Business plans, Contract services, Contract Management, Property clearance , Quality management , Residential development, Social housing, Soft facilities management at the Global front.


A - Pinnacle Consultants will be responsible for the revenue generation from the sales of the project as per schedule mentioned in the agreement.

B - Pinnacle Consultants will be representing Builder and developer as is the team of them not as a third party.

C - Pinnacle consultants will market PAN India and in the international market to achieve desired results and meet the target.

D - Pinnacle Consultants will assist the builder for the infusion of funds or may be equity infusion as per demand of the project.

E - Pinnacle Consultants will market projects online and offline in both the modes.

F - Pinnacle Consultants will assign a dedicated sales and marketing team for each project.

G - Pinnacle Consultants will maintain MIS of all the projects maintained by them.

H - Pinnacle Consultants will Tie up with different financial institutions for financial requirements of the unit buyers.

I - Pinnacle Consultants will monitor the legal process of Sale agreements, even the process of registration off course costing will be of the builder and the buyers.

J - Pinnacle consultants will assure the collection of payments to the builder comes as per schedule.

K - Pinnacle Consultants will guide in the form of suggestions to the management of builder and developer.

L - Pinnacle Consultants and its team will not receive any payment other than instruments collected in the name of builder / developers

M - Pinnacle Consultants will showcase projects at different exhibitions and fairs wherever needed.

N - Pinnacle Consultants will monitor progress of the project as per commitment by the builder given to the clients.

O - Pinnacle Consultants have rights to check all legal and technical documents pertaining to the project.

P - Pinnacle Consultants will be responsible for post sales follow-ups.

Q - Pinnacle Consultants will generate revenue from the sales or equity infusion or finance by the investors.

R - Pinnacle consultants reserves rights to market projects in its entire network of investors, clients and equity partners Globally.

S - Pinnacle Consultants Guide Builders and Develops with the latest trends , market requirements and modifications in the projects as per demand of the market.